Thursday, January 20, 2011

Clementine Hunter and her hidden talents

For many years, Mrs. Clementine Hunter made clothes
 and quilts, she was even a great basketmaker! 

So what happened in 1939, when she found some 
tubes of paint that got left behind?


 The beginning of her painting career.
Mrs. Hunter painted over 5,000 paintings. 
She worked well into her nineties. 

She painted the hard life that African
Americans experienced in the rural South.

When she started painting she had absolutely 
no money of her own. Mrs. Hunter used water 
to thin her paints so they would last longer. 

She put these watercolors on canvases 
and anything else  she could get her hands on. 

Her simple, yet colorful paintings,  sold for 
as low as 25 cents in the '40s. Today her 
popular paintings may go for as high as $20,000.

For more interesting facts on 
Mrs. Clementine Hunter go to:

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